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FIFA is complicit in the oppression of millions!

Nov 03, 2023

Sportswashing, Saudi Arabia, and The 2034 World Cup

Two countries were in the running to host the 2034 World Cup: Australia and Saudi Arabia. Suddenly, Australia backed out, making Saudi Arabia the defacto winner. 

I grew up in Saudi Arabia, where when it’s time for the World Cup, everyone watches, almost like the whole world melted away and all we saw, talked about, or thought about was Football (Soccer). The men in the coffee shops and we women are forced to watch at home. 

To write what I write now and condemn FIFA for allowing Saudi Arabia to host a World Cup brings me no pleasure at all, but the only thing needed for evil and corruption to succeed is when good people do nothing. 

We, the fans, need to be steadfast and united in voicing to FIFA that allowing human rights violations to go unchecked and allowing Saudi Arabia to continue to create a false reputation through sportswashing while they simultaneously execute minors on the ground is unacceptable. 

“Human Rights Watch (HRW) pointed out in a statement this week, in which it strongly criticised FIFA for failing to follow its own human rights policies.

HRW pointed out in their statement that FIFA’s Human Rights Policy says it is responsible in identifying and addressing adverse human rights impacts from what it does and should prevent and mitigate abuses.” *

FIFA seems to clearly have no issue with the sportswashing being done by Saudi Arabia, making FIFA complicit in the oppression of millions!

Saudi Arabia has worked hard to repackage itself, but that is all it is, repackaging. Everything done in the country is hidden from outside eyes and ears as much as possible. All court cases, whether in their terrorism court or otherwise, are held behind closed doors.

The laws are so vague as to allow for the passing out of hefty sentences because you wrote a sentence on X formally Twitter asking when the Male Guardianship Law will be abolished. (This is a law that keeps women of any age as minors who require the permission of a guardian for everything). *

Salma al-Shehab got 34 years in prison and an additional 34 years to follow under a travel ban. For Tweeting about women's rights! 

All Media is monitored, and the regime wholly controls the internal media. There is no free speech and no free press. All reporters and influencers granted permission to enter the country are assigned monitors disguised as guides to make sure they stay in the confines of the fairytale version of Saudi Arabia.

If they step out of line, ask too many wrong questions, go where they were told not to, or post something deemed malicious, they can be ejected locked up, tortured, lashed, or simply eliminated, just like Jamal Khashoggi—lots of beautiful choices for truth-tellers. 

If Saudi Arabia is allowed to host the 2034 World Cup, then the cup might as well be filled with the blood of all the victims.

The children stolen from their mothers.

The pain of those who were and are being tortured by the Saudi Regime.

The journalists killed, the women's rights activists who disappeared or remain in prison, the arbitrary arrests which lead to a sham terrorism court and eventually a beheading sentence. 

If FIFA is complicit, they have blood on their hands just as much as the Saudi Regime. 

We, the fans, must open our eyes and see what we are dealing with. We have a voice, and in our united voice lies great power. Will we sit by silently while the World Cup is used to buy a reputation? Reputations can not be purchased, only earned. Saudi Arabia has not earned the right to host the World Cup. 

Will we sit by silently while our clubs, our players, and our World Cup are bought, corrupted, and used to push an agenda of oppression? To allow a country run by a brutal dictator who was nicknamed Mister Bone Saw* to host the FIFA World Cup is UNACCEPTABLE! 

We are not prey! We have a say! Stand up, speak up, and say NO to World Cup 2034 being in Saudi Arabia!!

By Elise Evans Martin

Women’s Rights Activist & Dissident of Saudi Arabia. Speaker | Author | Called The Katniss Everdeen of Saudi Arabia.

Other Articles: 

*The Athletic - By Adam Crafton, Matt Slater, and more. Oct 31, 2023

*Book: Blood and Oil - by Bradley Hope and Justin Scheck 

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