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The Illusion of more freedoms for women in Saudi Arabia

Dec 13, 2022

Someone asked me recently why I don't just focus on freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia. After all, if the female activists arrested in Saudi Arabia for tweeting and discussing women's rights had free speech, wouldn't they be free to speak out against the guardianship law freely? The answer to this is a simple one, NO.

First of All, there can never be free speech in Saudi Arabia as long as one man or one family holds unlimited power but let's not get off topic.

Even if they gave the people of Saudi Arabia free speech, it would only apply to men. The reason is that the male guardianship law is so ironclad it supersedes any other law or freedom given to Saudi women.

Bare with me for a moment while I offer an example  Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics." Let's take a look:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Think about how the laws above directly relate to each other.

Now let's take a look at the one Law we have that controls the actions of every Saudi woman's life. After all, who needs three laws when you can have one perfect one?

Male Guardianship Law - A woman must obey and gain permission from her male guardian as long as she lives.

In 1970 Saudi women were allowed to attend University - As long as it did not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

In 2001 Saudi Women were granted the ability to get personal ID Cards. As long as doing so did not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

In 2005 forced marriages were banned, and a Saudi woman has the right to choose who she marries. As long as that choice does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law. 

In 2009 the first female government minister was elected to show that women can now have a voice in government. As long as that position in government does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

In 2012 Saudi Arabia allowed female athletes to compete in the olympics. As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

2015 Saudi Women can vote. As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

2018 Saudi Women were allowed into sports stadiums and given the right to drive. As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

They say as of 2019, Saudi women 21 and older are permitted to travel. As long as that travel does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

According to the Gulf News, in an interview, MBS said Saudi women could choose not to wear an abaya or a head scarf so long as they are "decent and respectful". As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

Even though a fiction writer thought up the three laws of robotics to keep humans safe from any possible harm a robot could inflict on a human being in his short story "Runaround" (1942), it was made for human protection. The striking differences between the three laws of robotics and the one male guardianship law are that the three laws are fiction, and our one Law is a reality.

The three laws are for protecting life, and our one law is doing the exact opposite. Every time a new law is passed giving more rights to the women of Saudi Arabia, the world rejoices, and the media conveniently forgets the fine print. As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

An interesting statement was once made by a Saudi woman who said; She likes the male guardianship law because it ensures that a male guardian is legally bound to provide for and protect all those women under his guardianship.

I can see how that feels reassuring but riddle me this: The same man who is married to a woman and is legally bound to protect, care, and provide for her can, in an instant, without her consent and prior knowledge, divorce her. Thus ending his obligations as a guardian without cause, reason, justification or care. But don't worry, women of Saudi Arabia, in 2019, a law was passed saying that you have the right to be informed after the fact that your husband divorced you. In that case, the guardianship of said woman would revert to her father meaning... As long as it does not conflict with the Male Guardianship Law.

Therefore even if freedom of speech was given to all, a guardian could simply slap a piece of tape over the mouths of the women under his guardianship, lock her in the house and there goes free speech. Making us just like the fictitious robots programmed with the three laws of robotics. We, too, are programmed when we are young that it is for our protection and required to obey The Male Guardianship Law.

#EndMaleGuardianship #أنا_ولية_أمري #IAmMyOwnGuardian #saudiarabia #womanlifefreedom

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